About Us

In November of 2023 Bullhead City, Arizona welcomed a new business, Cal Ranch. For the Grand Opening of this wonderful place of business full of exciting things they had free give aways. My husband and I weren’t about to miss that! Among totes and other little doo dads given, one of the things we received was a bar of handmade peppermint soap from a small soap company in Arizona.

I was so hooked on this soap and it was a sad day when I ran out of it because it was the best soap I had ever used! Seriously! It was creamy, it lathered perfectly, it didn’t feel oily and it smelled fantastic! I used that soap down to the last little sliver and even though we were already neck deep in a very lucrative business of our own I started doing a little research and I was hooked on the entire process of making soap. Naturally I did the only thing I could think of to do, I talked my husband in to taking a leap of faith, we sold our already existing business and thus our soap journey began and Desert Bay Soap Company was born right next to the Colorado River in Laughlin, Nevada.

Deciding exactly what kind of soap we wanted to produce, which process we wanted to use to make it, gathering equipment and creating recipes we started making soap. Tweaking our soap recipes for months, testing our soaps on ourselves, our friends and our family gathering feedback from everyone that used our soap until we came up with recipes that we were sure our customers would love as much as we do.

By the following winter we had soap that was worthy enough to offer to our customers knowing that the quality of each bar was creamy with gentle cleansing and a great lather, with skin nourishing ingredients, smelled great and looked great. We hope you’ll think so too!